Defining Custom Properties

We have previously given examples how to analyse SAGE properties at a single snapshot or over multiple redshifts. However, it is quite common that you may wish to calculate properties different to those included in the base version of sage-analysis. For example, you may wish to investigate the time since a last major merger as a function of galaxy stellar mass.

This page outlines how sage-analysis can be used to calculate any arbirtary properties.

Default Properties

The sage-analysis package includes a number of properties that can be analysed and plotted by default.

Property Plot Toggle Name Description Property Type
Stellar mass function SMF Number of galaxies with a given stellar mass. Binned.
Baryonic mass function BMF Number of galaxies with a given stellar plus cold gas mass. Binned
Gas mass function GMF Number of galaxies with a given cold gas mass. Binned.
Baryonic Tully-Fisher BTF Maximum velocity of a galaxy as a function of baryonic (stellar plus cold gas) mass. Scatter.
Specific star formation rate sSFR Specific star formation rate as a function of stellar mass. Scatter.
Gas fraction gas_frac Fraction of baryons (stellar plus cold gas) in the form of cold gas as a function of stellar mass. Scatter.
Mass metallicity metallicity Metallicity as a function of stellar mass. Scatter.
Black hole bulge bh_bulge Mass of galaxy black hole as a function of galaxy bulge mass. Scatter.
Quiescent galaxy population quiescent Fraction of galaxies that are quiescent as a function of stellar mass. Binned.
Bulge fraction bulge_fraction Fraction of stellar mass in the form of bulge/disk as a function of stellar mass. Scatter.
Baryon fraction baryon_fraction Baryon fraction in each reservoir (cold, hot, stellar, ejected, intracluster, and black hole) as a function of FoF halo virial mass. Binned.
Reservoir mass reservoirs Amount of mass in each reservoir (cold, hot, stellar, ejected, intracluster, and black hole) as a function of FoF halo virial mass. Scatter.
Spatial distribution spatial Spatial distribution of galaxies across the simulation box. Scatter.

There are also a handful of toggles available to analyse properties over a number of redshifts.

Property Plot Toggle Name Description Binning Type
Stellar mass function SMF_z Number of galaxies with a given stellar mass over multiple redshifts for each model. Binned.
Star formation rate density SFRD_z Total star formation rate density across entire simulation box as a function of redshift. Single.
Stellar mass density SMD_z Total stellar mass density across entire simulation box as a function of redshift. Single.

Adding Your Own Properties

There are

  1. Set up[“fff”] field.
  2. Write the function to compute the property.
  3. Add the function to the calculations dict.
  4. Add the plotting function to the plot dict.

SAGE operates by allowing each processor to write to its own file as galaxies are evolved through cosmic time. sage-analysis processes galaxy properties of each of these files individually. After calculating each property, they are stored in the properties attribute and carried across files. The pseudo-code looks like this:

for file in num_files:

    compute stellar mass function for file
    add stellar mass function to["SMF"] array.

    calculate black hole bulge relationship for file
    extend the["bh_mass"] and["bulge_mass"] lists

    ...complete for other properties...

To calculate each of these properties, a function named calc_<property_name> is called; for example, calc_SMF() is called to compute the stellar mass function of each SAGE file.