Source code for sage_analysis.example_calcs

Here we show a myriad of functions that can be used to calculate properties from the
**SAGE** output.  By setting the correct plot toggles and calling
:py:func:`~sage_analysis.utils.generate_func_dict`, a dictionary containing these
functions can be generated and passed to
:py:meth:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.calc_properties_all_files` to calculate the

The properties are stored (and updated) in the
:py:attr:`` attribute.

We refer to :doc:`../user/analysing_sage` for more information on how the calculations are

Author: Jacob Seiler

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from sage_analysis.model import Model
from sage_analysis.utils import select_random_indices

[docs]def calc_SMF( model: Model, gals, snapshot: int, calc_sub_populations: bool = False, smf_property_name: str = "SMF" ): """ Calculates the stellar mass function of the given galaxies. That is, the number of galaxies at a given stellar mass. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]"SMF"]`` array will be updated. We also split the galaxy population into "red" and "blue" based on the value of :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sSFRcut` and update the ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["red_SMF"]`` and ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["blue_SMF"]`` arrays. Parameters ---------- snapshot : int The snapshot the SMF is being calculated at. plot_sub_populations : boolean, optional If ``True``, calculates the stellar mass function for red and blue sub-populations. smf_property_name : string, optional The name of the property used to store the stellar mass function. Useful if different calculations are computing the stellar mass function but saving it as a different property. """ non_zero_stellar = np.where(gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.0)[0] stellar_mass = np.log10(gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) sSFR = (gals["SfrDisk"][:][non_zero_stellar] + gals["SfrBulge"][:][non_zero_stellar]) / \ (gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) gals_per_bin, _ = np.histogram(stellar_mass, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][f"{smf_property_name}"] += gals_per_bin # We often want to plot the red and blue subpopulations. So bin them if requested. if calc_sub_populations: red_gals = np.where(sSFR < 10.0**model._sSFRcut)[0] red_mass = stellar_mass[red_gals] counts, _ = np.histogram(red_mass, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["red_SMF"] += counts blue_gals = np.where(sSFR > 10.0**model._sSFRcut)[0] blue_mass = stellar_mass[blue_gals] counts, _ = np.histogram(blue_mass, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["blue_SMF"] += counts
[docs]def calc_BMF(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the baryon mass function of the given galaxies. That is, the number of galaxies at a given baryon (stellar + cold gas) mass. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["BMF"]`` array will be updated. """ non_zero_baryon = np.where(gals["StellarMass"][:] + gals["ColdGas"][:] > 0.0)[0] baryon_mass = np.log10( (gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_baryon] + gals["ColdGas"][:][non_zero_baryon]) * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h ) (counts, _) = np.histogram(baryon_mass, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BMF"] += counts
[docs]def calc_GMF(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the gas mass function of the given galaxies. That is, the number of galaxies at a given cold gas mass. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["GMF"]`` array will be updated. """ non_zero_cold = np.where(gals["ColdGas"][:] > 0.0)[0] cold_mass = np.log10(gals["ColdGas"][:][non_zero_cold] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) (counts, _) = np.histogram(cold_mass, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["GMF"] += counts
[docs]def calc_BTF(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation for spiral galaxies in the given set of galaxies. The number of galaxies added to ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["BTF_mass"]`` and ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["BTF_vel"]`` arrays is given by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sample_size` weighted by ``number_spirals_passed /`` :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model._num_gals_all_files`. If this value is greater than ``number_spirals_passed``, then all spiral galaxies will be used. """ # Make sure we're getting spiral galaxies. That is, don't include galaxies # that are too bulgy. spirals = np.where((gals["Type"][:] == 0) & (gals["StellarMass"][:] + gals["ColdGas"][:] > 0.0) & (gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.0) & (gals["ColdGas"][:] > 0.0) & (gals["BulgeMass"][:] / gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.1) & (gals["BulgeMass"][:] / gals["StellarMass"][:] < 0.5))[0] # Select a random subset of galaxies (if necessary). spirals = select_random_indices(spirals, model._num_gals_all_files, model.sample_size, model.random_seed) baryon_mass = np.log10((gals["StellarMass"][:][spirals] + gals["ColdGas"][:][spirals]) * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) velocity = np.log10(gals["Vmax"][:][spirals])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BTF_mass"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BTF_mass"], baryon_mass )[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BTF_vel"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["BTF_vel"], velocity )
[docs]def calc_sSFR(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the specific star formation rate (star formation divided by the stellar mass of the galaxy) as a function of stellar mass. The number of galaxies added to ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["sSFR_mass"]`` and ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["sSFR_sSFR"]`` arrays is given by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sample_size` weighted by ``number_gals_passed /`` :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model._num_gals_all_files`. If this value is greater than ``number_gals_passed``, then all galaxies with non-zero stellar mass will be used. """ non_zero_stellar = np.where(gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.0)[0] # Select a random subset of galaxies (if necessary). random_inds = select_random_indices( non_zero_stellar, model._num_gals_all_files, model.sample_size, model.random_seed ) stellar_mass = np.log10(gals["StellarMass"][:][random_inds] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) sSFR = (gals["SfrDisk"][:][random_inds] + gals["SfrBulge"][:][random_inds]) / \ (gals["StellarMass"][:][random_inds] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h)[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["sSFR_mass"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["sSFR_mass"], stellar_mass )[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["sSFR_sSFR"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["sSFR_sSFR"], np.log10(sSFR) )
[docs]def calc_gas_fraction(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the fraction of baryons that are in the cold gas reservoir as a function of stellar mass. The number of galaxies added to ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["gas_frac_mass"]`` and ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["gas_frac"]`` arrays is given by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sample_size` weighted by ``number_spirals_passed /`` :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model._num_gals_all_files`. If this value is greater than ``number_spirals_passed``, then all spiral galaxies will be used. """ # Make sure we're getting spiral galaxies. That is, don't include galaxies that are too bulgy. spirals = np.where((gals["Type"][:] == 0) & (gals["StellarMass"][:] + gals["ColdGas"][:] > 0.0) & (gals["BulgeMass"][:] / gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.1) & (gals["BulgeMass"][:] / gals["StellarMass"][:] < 0.5))[0] # Select a random subset of galaxies (if necessary). spirals = select_random_indices(spirals, model._num_gals_all_files, model.sample_size, model.random_seed) stellar_mass = np.log10(gals["StellarMass"][:][spirals] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) gas_fraction = gals["ColdGas"][:][spirals] / (gals["StellarMass"][:][spirals] + gals["ColdGas"][:][spirals])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["gas_frac_mass"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["gas_frac_mass"], stellar_mass )[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["gas_frac"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["gas_frac"], gas_fraction )
[docs]def calc_metallicity(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the metallicity as a function of stellar mass. The number of galaxies added to ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["metallicity_mass"]`` and ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["metallicity"]`` arrays is given by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sample_size` weighted by ``number_centrals_passed /`` :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model._num_gals_all_files`. If this value is greater than ``number_centrals_passed``, then all central galaxies will be used. """ # Only care about central galaxies (Type 0) that have appreciable mass. centrals = np.where((gals["Type"][:] == 0) & (gals["ColdGas"][:] / (gals["StellarMass"][:] + gals["ColdGas"][:]) > 0.1) & (gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.01))[0] # Select a random subset of galaxies (if necessary). centrals = select_random_indices(centrals, model._num_gals_all_files, model.sample_size, model.random_seed) stellar_mass = np.log10(gals["StellarMass"][:][centrals] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) Z = np.log10((gals["MetalsColdGas"][:][centrals] / gals["ColdGas"][:][centrals]) / 0.02) + 9.0[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["metallicity_mass"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["metallicity_mass"], stellar_mass )[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["metallicity"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["metallicity"], Z )
[docs]def calc_bh_bulge(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the black hole mass as a function of bulge mass. The number of galaxies added to ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["BlackHoleMass"]`` and ``Model.propertiesp["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["BulgeMass"]`` arrays is given by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sample_size` weighted by ``number_galaxies_passed /`` :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model._num_gals_all_files`. If this value is greater than ``number_galaxies_passed``, then all galaxies will be used. Notes ----- We only consider galaxies with bulge mass greater than 10^8 Msun/h and a black hole mass greater than 10^5 Msun/h. """ # Only care about galaxies that have appreciable masses. my_gals = np.where((gals["BulgeMass"][:] > 0.01) & (gals["BlackHoleMass"][:] > 0.00001))[0] # Select a random subset of galaxies (if necessary). my_gals = select_random_indices(my_gals, model._num_gals_all_files, model.sample_size, model.random_seed) bh = np.log10(gals["BlackHoleMass"][:][my_gals] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) bulge = np.log10(gals["BulgeMass"][:][my_gals] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h)[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["bh_mass"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["bh_mass"], bh )[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["bulge_mass"] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["bulge_mass"], bulge )
[docs]def calc_quiescent(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the quiescent galaxy fraction as a function of stellar mass. The galaxy population is also split into central and satellites and the quiescent fraction of these are calculated. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["centrals_MF"]``, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["satellites_MF"]``, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["quiescent_galaxy_counts"]``, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["quiescent_centrals_counts"]``, and ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["quiescent_satellites_counts"]`` arrays will be updated. Notes ----- We only **count** the number of quiescent galaxies in each stellar mass bin. When converting this to the quiescent fraction, one must divide by the number of galaxies in each stellar mass bin, the stellar mass function ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["SMF"]``. See :func:`~sage_analysis.example_plots.plot_quiescent` for an example implementation. """ non_zero_stellar = np.where(gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.0)[0] mass = np.log10(gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) gal_type = gals["Type"][:][non_zero_stellar] # For the sSFR, we will create a mask that is True for quiescent galaxies and # False for star-forming galaxies. sSFR = (gals["SfrDisk"][:][non_zero_stellar] + gals["SfrBulge"][:][non_zero_stellar]) / \ (gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) quiescent = sSFR < 10.0 ** model._sSFRcut # Mass function for number of centrals/satellites. centrals_counts, _ = np.histogram(mass[gal_type == 0], bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["centrals_MF"] += centrals_counts satellites_counts, _ = np.histogram(mass[gal_type == 1], bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["satellites_MF"] += satellites_counts # Then bin those galaxies/centrals/satellites that are quiescent. quiescent_counts, _ = np.histogram(mass[quiescent], bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["quiescent_galaxy_counts"] += quiescent_counts quiescent_centrals_counts, _ = np.histogram(mass[(gal_type == 0) & quiescent], bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["quiescent_centrals_counts"] += quiescent_centrals_counts quiescent_satellites_counts, _ = np.histogram(mass[(gal_type == 1) & quiescent], bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["quiescent_satellites_counts"] += quiescent_satellites_counts
[docs]def calc_bulge_fraction(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the ``bulge_mass / stellar_mass`` and ``disk_mass / stellar_mass`` ratios as a function of stellar mass. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["fraction_bulge_sum"]``, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["fraction_disk_sum"]``, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["fraction_bulge_var"]``, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["fraction_disk_var"]`` arrays will be updated. Notes ----- We only **sum** the bulge/disk mass in each stellar mass bin. When converting this to the mass fraction, one must divide by the number of galaxies in each stellar mass bin, the stellar mass function ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["SMF"]``. See :func:`~sage_analysis.example_plots.plot_bulge_fraction` for full implementation. """ non_zero_stellar = np.where(gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.0)[0] stellar_mass = np.log10(gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) fraction_bulge = gals["BulgeMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] / gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] fraction_disk = 1.0 - (gals["BulgeMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] / gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar]) # We want the mean bulge/disk fraction as a function of stellar mass. To allow # us to sum across each file, we will record the sum in each bin and then average later. fraction_bulge_sum, _, _ = stats.binned_statistic(stellar_mass, fraction_bulge, statistic=np.sum, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_bulge_sum"] += fraction_bulge_sum fraction_disk_sum, _, _ = stats.binned_statistic(stellar_mass, fraction_disk, statistic=np.sum, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_disk_sum"] += fraction_disk_sum # For the variance, weight these by the total number of samples we will be # averaging over (i.e., number of files). fraction_bulge_var, _, _ = stats.binned_statistic(stellar_mass, fraction_bulge, statistic=np.var, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"])[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_bulge_var"] += fraction_bulge_var / \ (model._last_file_to_analyze - model._first_file_to_analyze + 1) fraction_disk_var, _, _ = stats.binned_statistic( stellar_mass, fraction_disk, statistic=np.var, bins=model.bins["stellar_mass_bins"] )[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fraction_disk_var"] += fraction_disk_var / \ (model._last_file_to_analyze - model._first_file_to_analyze + 1)
[docs]def calc_baryon_fraction(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the ``mass_baryons / halo_virial_mass`` as a function of halo virial mass for each baryon reseroivr (stellar, cold, hot, ejected, intra-cluster stars and black hole). Also calculates the ratio for the total baryonic mass. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["halo_<reservoir_name>_fraction_sum"]`` arrays are updated for each reservoir. In addition, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["halo_baryon_fraction_sum"]`` is updated. Notes ----- The halo virial mass we use is the **background FoF halo**, not the immediate host halo of each galaxy. We only **sum** the baryon mass in each stellar mass bin. When converting this to the mass fraction, one must divide by the number of halos in each halo mass bin, ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["fof_HMF"]``. See :func:`~sage_analysis.example_plots.plot_baryon_fraction` for full implementation. If the ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["fof_HMF"]`` property, with associated bins ``Model.bins["halo_mass"bin"]`` have not been initialized, a ``ValueError`` is thrown. """ # Careful here, our "Halo Mass Function" is only counting the *BACKGROUND FOF HALOS*. centrals = np.where((gals["Type"][:] == 0) & (gals["Mvir"][:] > 0.0))[0] centrals_fof_mass = np.log10(gals["Mvir"][:][centrals] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) try: halos_binned, _ = np.histogram(centrals_fof_mass, bins=model.bins["halo_mass_bins"]) except KeyError: print("The `halo_mass_bins` bin array was not initialised.") raise ValueError try:[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["fof_HMF"] += halos_binned except KeyError: print("The `fof_HMF` property was not iniitalized.") raise ValueError non_zero_mvir = np.where((gals["CentralMvir"][:] > 0.0))[0] # Will only be dividing by this value. # These are the *BACKGROUND FOF HALO* for each galaxy. fof_halo_mass = gals["CentralMvir"][:][non_zero_mvir] fof_halo_mass_log = np.log10(gals["CentralMvir"][:][non_zero_mvir] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) # We want to calculate the fractions as a function of the FoF mass. To allow # us to sum across each file, we will record the sum in each bin and then # average later. components = ["StellarMass", "ColdGas", "HotGas", "EjectedMass", "IntraClusterStars", "BlackHoleMass"] attrs_different_name = ["stars", "cold", "hot", "ejected", "ICS", "bh"] for (component_key, attr_name) in zip(components, attrs_different_name): # The bins are defined in log. However the other properties are all in 1.0e10 Msun/h. fraction_sum, _, _ = stats.binned_statistic(fof_halo_mass_log, gals[component_key][:][non_zero_mvir] / fof_halo_mass, statistic=np.sum, bins=model.bins["halo_mass_bins"]) dict_key = "halo_{0}_fraction_sum".format(attr_name)[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][dict_key] += fraction_sum # Finally want the sum across all components. baryons = np.sum(gals[component_key][:][non_zero_mvir] for component_key in components) baryon_fraction_sum, _, _ = stats.binned_statistic( fof_halo_mass_log, baryons / fof_halo_mass, statistic=np.sum, bins=model.bins["halo_mass_bins"] )[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["halo_baryon_fraction_sum"] += baryon_fraction_sum
[docs]def calc_reservoirs(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the mass in each reservoir as a function of halo virial mass. The number of galaxies added to ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["reservoir_mvir"]`` and ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["reservoir_<reservoir_name>"]`` arrays is given by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sample_size` weighted by ``number_centrals_passed /`` :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model._num_gals_all_files`. If this value is greater than ``number_centrals_passed``, then all central galaxies will be used. """ # To reduce scatter, only use galaxies in halos with mass > 1.0e10 Msun/h. centrals = np.where((gals["Type"][:] == 0) & (gals["Mvir"][:] > 1.0) & (gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.0))[0] # Select a random subset of galaxies (if necessary). centrals = select_random_indices(centrals, model._num_gals_all_files, model.sample_size, model.random_seed) reservoirs = ["Mvir", "StellarMass", "ColdGas", "HotGas", "EjectedMass", "IntraClusterStars"] attribute_names = ["mvir", "stars", "cold", "hot", "ejected", "ICS"] for (reservoir, attribute_name) in zip(reservoirs, attribute_names): mass = np.log10(gals[reservoir][:][centrals] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h) # Extend the previous list of masses with these new values. dict_key = "reservoir_{0}".format(attribute_name)[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][dict_key] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][dict_key], mass )
[docs]def calc_spatial(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the spatial position of the galaxies. The number of galaxies added to ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["<x/y/z>_pos"]`` arrays is given by :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sample_size` weighted by ``number_galaxies_passed /`` :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model._num_gals_all_files`. If this value is greater than ``number_galaxies_passed``, then all galaxies will be used. """ non_zero = np.where((gals["Mvir"][:] > 0.0) & (gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.1))[0] # Select a random subset of galaxies (if necessary). non_zero = select_random_indices(non_zero, model._num_gals_all_files, model.sample_size, model.random_seed) attribute_names = ["x_pos", "y_pos", "z_pos"] data_names = ["Posx", "Posy", "Posz"] for (attribute_name, data_name) in zip(attribute_names, data_names): # Units are Mpc/h. pos = gals[data_name][:][non_zero][f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][attribute_name] = np.append([f"snapshot_{snapshot}"][attribute_name], pos )
[docs]def calc_SMF_history(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the stellar mass function of the given galaxies. That is, the number of galaxies at a given stellar mass. The ``["SMF"_history]`` array will be updated. """ calc_SMF(model, gals, snapshot, calc_sub_populations=False, smf_property_name="SMF_history")
[docs]def calc_SFRD_history(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the sum of the star formation across all galaxies. This will be normalized by the simulation volume to determine the density. See :func:`~sage_analysis.example_plots.plot_SFRD` for full implementation. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["SFRD"]`` value is updated. """ SFR = gals["SfrDisk"][:] + gals["SfrBulge"][:][f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SFRD_history"] += np.sum(SFR)
[docs]def calc_SMD_history(model, gals, snapshot: int): """ Calculates the sum of the stellar mass across all galaxies. This will be normalized by the simulation volume to determine the density. See :func:`~sage_analysis.example_plots.plot_SMD` for full implementation. The ``["snapshot_<snapshot>"]["SMD"]`` value is updated. """ non_zero_stellar = np.where(gals["StellarMass"][:] > 0.0)[0] stellar_mass = gals["StellarMass"][:][non_zero_stellar] * 1.0e10 / model.hubble_h[f"snapshot_{snapshot}"]["SMD_history"] += np.sum(stellar_mass)