Source code for sage_analysis.sage_hdf5

#!/usr/bin/env python
This module defines the ``SageHdf5Data`` class. This class interfaces with the
:py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class to read in binary data written by **SAGE**.
The value of :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sage_output_format` is generally
``sage_hdf5`` if it is to be read with this class.

We refer to :doc:`../user/custom_data_classes` for more information about adding your
own Data Class to ingest data.

Author: Jacob Seiler.

import warnings

from sage_analysis.model import Model
from sage_analysis.utils import read_generic_sage_params
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional
import logging

import numpy as np
import h5py

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

sage_data_version = "1.00"

[docs]class SageHdf5Data(): """ Class intended to inteface with the :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class to ingest the data written by **SAGE**. It includes methods for reading the output galaxies, setting cosmology etc. It is specifically written for when :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.sage_output_format` is ``sage_hdf5``. """ def __init__(self, model: Model, sage_file_to_read: str) -> None: """ Instantiates the Data Class for reading in **SAGE** HDF5 data. In particular, opens up the file and ensures the data version matches the expected value. Parameters ---------- model: :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` instance The model that this data class is associated with; this class will read the data for this model. """"Reading using SAGE HDF5 output format.") # Use the SAGE parameter file to generate a bunch of attributes. sage_dict = self._read_sage_params(sage_file_to_read) self.sage_model_dict = sage_dict"The read SAGE parameters are {sage_dict}") # The output data will be named via the parameter file with the ``.hdf5`` extension. sage_data_path = f"{sage_dict['_base_sage_output_path']}.hdf5" model._sage_data_path = sage_data_path model._hdf5_file = h5py.File(sage_data_path, "r") # Due to how attributes are created in C, they will need to be decoded to get cast to a string. model.sage_version = model._hdf5_file["Header"]["Misc"].attrs["sage_version"].decode("ascii") model.sage_data_version = model._hdf5_file["Header"]["Misc"].attrs["sage_data_version"].decode("ascii") # Check that this module is current for the SAGE data version. if model.sage_data_version != sage_data_version: raise ValueError( f"The '' module was written to be compatible with sage_data_version {sage_data_version}. " f"Your version of SAGE HDF5 has data version {model.sage_data_version}. Please update your version of " f"SAGE or submit an issue at" ) # Finally, perform some checks to ensure that the data in ``model`` is compatible with our assumptions # regarding the HDF5 file. self._check_model_compatibility(model, sage_dict) model._num_output_files = model._hdf5_file["Header"]["Misc"].attrs["num_cores"] # The cores to analyze may have a default value. To allow for this, explicitly set these as if they were read # from the parameter file. self.sage_model_dict["_first_file_to_analyze"] = 0 self.sage_model_dict["_last_file_to_analyze"] = model._num_output_files - 1
[docs] def _check_model_compatibility(self, model: Model, sage_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """ Ensures that the attributes in the :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` instance are compatible with the variables read from the **SAGE** parameter file (if read at all). Parameters ---------- model : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` instance The model that this data class is associated with. sage_dict : optional, dict[str, Any] A dictionary containing all of the fields read from the **SAGE** parameter file. Warnings -------- UserWarning Raised if the user initialized ``Model`` with a value of :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.num_sage_output_files` that is different to the value specified in the HDF5 file. """ if model._num_sage_output_files is not None: logger.debug("It is not required to specify the number of SAGE output files when analysing HDF5 output.") # Check to ensure that there isn't a mismatch in the number specified and the number in the file. hdf5_num_files = model._hdf5_file["Header"]["Misc"].attrs["num_cores"] if model._num_sage_output_files != hdf5_num_files: warnings.warn( f"The number of SAGE output files according to the master HDF5 file is {hdf5_num_files}." f" However, ``analyze_sage_output`` was called with {model._num_sage_output_files}. " f"Using the number of files from the HDF5 file as the correct value." )
[docs] def determine_volume_analyzed(self, model: Model) -> float: """ Determines the volume analyzed. This can be smaller than the total simulation box. Parameters ---------- model : :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` instance The model that this data class is associated with. Returns ------- volume : float The numeric volume being processed during this run of the code in (Mpc/h)^3. """ # Each output file may have processed a different fraction of the total volume. Hence to determine the total # volume processed, loop through all of the files that we're analysing and use their volume fractions. total_volume_frac_processed = 0.0 for core_idx in range(model._first_file_to_analyze, model._last_file_to_analyze + 1): core_key = "Core_{0}".format(core_idx) frac_processed = model._hdf5_file[core_key]["Header"]["Runtime"].attrs["frac_volume_processed"] total_volume_frac_processed += frac_processed f"{core_key} processed {frac_processed} fraction of the volume. Total is {total_volume_frac_processed}" ) volume = pow(model._box_size, 3) * total_volume_frac_processed f"Total fraction of volume processed is {total_volume_frac_processed}. Box size is " f"{model._box_size}. The size of the volume processed is hence {volume} (Mpc/h)^3." ) return volume
[docs] def _read_sage_params(self, sage_file_path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Read the **SAGE** parameter file. Parameters ---------- sage_file_path: string Path to the **SAGE** parameter file. Returns ------- model_dict: dict [str, var] Dictionary containing the parameter names and their values. """ model_dict = read_generic_sage_params(sage_file_path) return model_dict
[docs] def determine_num_gals(self, model: Model, snapshot: int, *args): """ Determines the number of galaxies in all cores for this model at the specified snapshot. Parameters ---------- model: :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class The :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` we're reading data for. snapshot : int The snapshot we're analysing. *args : Any Extra arguments to allow other data class to pass extra arguments to their version of ``determine_num_gals``. """ ngals = 0 snap_key = f"Snap_{snapshot}" for core_idx in range(model._first_file_to_analyze, model._last_file_to_analyze + 1): core_key = f"Core_{core_idx}" # Maybe this Snapshot didn't have any galaxies saved. try: ngals += model._hdf5_file[core_key][snap_key].attrs["num_gals"] except KeyError: ngals = 0 continue model._num_gals_all_files = ngals
[docs] def read_gals(self, model, core_num, pbar=None, plot_galaxies=False, debug=False): """ Reads the galaxies of a single core at the specified :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.model.Model.snapshot`. Parameters ---------- model: :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` class The :py:class:`~sage_analysis.model.Model` we're reading data for. core_num: Integer The core group we're reading. pbar: ``tqdm`` class instance, optional Bar showing the progress of galaxy reading. If ``None``, progress bar will not show. plot_galaxies : Boolean, optional If set, plots and saves the 3D distribution of galaxies for this file. debug : Boolean, optional If set, prints out extra useful debug information. Returns ------- gals : ``h5py`` group The galaxies for this file. Notes ----- ``tqdm`` does not play nicely with printing to stdout. Hence we disable the ``tqdm`` progress bar if ``debug=True``. """ core_key = "Core_{0}".format(core_num) snap_key = "Snap_{0}".format(model.snapshot) num_gals_read = model._hdf5_file[core_key][snap_key].attrs["num_gals"] # If there aren't any galaxies, exit here. if num_gals_read == 0: return None gals = model._hdf5_file[core_key][snap_key] # If we're using the `tqdm` package, update the progress bar. if pbar is not None: pbar.set_postfix(file=core_key, refresh=False) pbar.update(num_gals_read) if debug: print("") print("Core {0}, Snapshot {1} contained {2} galaxies".format(core_num, model.snapshot, num_gals_read)) w = np.where(gals["StellarMass"][:] > 1.0)[0] print("{0} of these galaxies have mass greater than 10^10Msun/h".format(len(w))) if plot_galaxies: # Show the distribution of galaxies in 3D. from sage_analysis.plots import plot_spatial_3d pos = np.empty((len(gals["Posx"]), 3), dtype=np.float32) dim_name = ["x", "y", "z"] for (dim_num, dim_name) in enumerate(dim_name): key = "Pos{0}".format(dim_num) pos[:, dim_num] = gals[key][:] output_file = "./galaxies_{0}.{1}".format(core_num, model.plot_output_format) plot_spatial_3d(pos, output_file, model.box_size) return gals
[docs] def update_snapshot_and_data_path(self, model: Model, snapshot: int): """ Updates the :py:attr:`~sage_analysis.Model.snapshot` attribute to ``snapshot``. As the HDF5 file contains all snapshot information, we do **not** need to update the path to the output data. However, ensure that the file itself is still open. """ model._snapshot = snapshot # If the file was closed, then ``__bool__()`` will return False. if not model._hdf5_file.__bool__(): model._hdf5_file = h5py.File(model.sage_data_path, "r")
[docs] def close_file(self, model): """ Closes the open HDF5 file. """ model._hdf5_file.close()